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Bed bugs Basics


Bed bugs are a group of tiny insects that feed on blood of humans and any mammals. So, your pets are at a risk too. While not limited to a specific time of the say, they mostly feed at night while we sleep. Especially, the grown adult bed bugs. It’s important to learn how to identify and distinguish them from other common domestic insects are cockroach nymphs, biscuit beetles, fleas, ticks, termites, etc.

Important points you must consider before planning to fight bed bugs DIY

  1. You need to be highly dedicated, accurate and consistent in what you do. You will only win if you eradicated them all and establish preventive methods effectively. Because even a single female with eggs can rebuild the bed bug colony 

  2. It is a process and there is no magical single dose problem solving methods or easy fixes

  3. You should be read to invest some money even if you are planning DIY. However, based on your current level of infestation, if at the early stage, cost will be significantly low doing DIY compared to paying for professional pest control services

  4. If you are currently mentally distressed about bedbugs; take a deep breath, do something relaxing, calm yourself and build the focus. 

  5. Sometimes if the infestation is widely spread, and you might not have the capacity to do what’s necessary or access to relevant resources. Then, most effective at that point will be seeking professional assistance. However, in most cases, you simply got this.

How to Identify Bed bugs


They are small, typically 1-5mm in length and very light to dark brown depending on which stage of life they are. Shape varies from round to oval. Female commonly have a rounder shape from the bottom where adult males tend to be towards oval shape. Most distinct features that you would differentiate their gender is that the neck portion will be prominently exposed in males while almost fully connected to the body appearance in females. Refer to the images given here and in bugs photo gallery captured by Nalaka Daundaratne and team to help identifying bed bugs more precisely. 

How to Find Bed bugs

2- signs

Early detection is crucial to prevent the problem grow into a major bed bugs infestation where DIY methods can be less effective. 


Bed bugs bites 


Commonly the first indicator is the uncomfortable bites that they cause on our bodies. You may develop visible red bite marks, rudeness on skin, itchiness, rash or hives. Remember, some might not experience any of these symptoms. While severe allergic reaction is most unlikely, one can show symptoms of skin allergy. Refer to bed bugs bites and remedies section by Nalaka Daundaratne.


Visual clues of that you have bed bugs


  1. You may find them biting or crawling on your body

  2. Black spotting and cloudy stains made by bedbug waste or excretions 

  3. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you will see either few on the bed or many

  4. They hide in cracks of the bed frame, boarders and crevices of the mattress or any folded space that can hide

  5. On your clothes. Especially, on racks and closets in your bedroom

  6. Cracks on rough walls and gaps between side skirtings of wall and floor

  7. Inside the spaces of power outlets

  8. On your pets

How Bed Bugs are Spread

Bedbugs cannot jump or fly. They simply crawl into our bodies and homes. However, this is done by hanging on to our clothes or skin and then moving to new spaces and travelling with someone else. Questionable common sleeping spaces like hotel beds and rooms are a great place for them to find new hosts. Then, they transmit through furniture and objects that are already infested. So, it is very important that you discard the items with and suspected with bedbugs safely and responsibly to prevent spread to the community as well be mindful when considering bringing in furniture left on streets or buying form garage sales. Always do a proper inspection.

Bed Bugs Facts and Myths

  1. They feed on blood mostly during the nighttime, yet can bite at anytime of the day

  2. Ok nice cleanliness or living standards have no connection with transmission of bedbugs. All rich or poor can face the issue similarly. 

  3. Bed bugs don’t smell blood. They are attracted to mammal’s body heat and carbon dioxide gas exhaled by us and our pets

  4. Bed bugs have eyes that are very effective. These types of eyes I’m bugs are called compound eyes. So, yes, they can see our every step and find the best time to come out and feed.

  5. They don’t live on our head or I’m hair as lice. Bedbugs love to feed on hairless body surfaces and head will be the last place they will get to. However, they can bite on your scalp. Just will not live there. Usually, they will feed on blood and leave the body to their hiding place until the next opportunity

  6. They mostly live around where we sleep or on or close to furniture like chairs, sofas where they can easily access food (blood)

  7. Bedbugs live as a colony or groups when they grow their numbers

  8. Bedbugs are crawlers. They cannot fly or jump

  9. There are no known diseases transmitted vids their bites. However, rash, skin irritation, rare cases of allergic reactions, psychological distress, bedbug phobia in certain individuals, sleep disturbance, skin damage secondary to improper scratching, and fever in rare cases may occur

  10. Bedbugs are fast crawlers. An adult bedbug can move 1-1.5m/min meaning 60-90meters per hour making them easily transmit between apartments through passages between walls as well as via electrical wiring pathways behind structures

  11. Unfed bedbugs can range from 1/10mm to 3/10mm in thickness allowing them to pass through the tiniest cracks around us

  12. One pregnant female can form or start a single colony of thousands of bedbugs. So, it is important to focus complete eradication to make the issue resolved successfully 

  13. Studies have shown that depending on their maturity, would live between 3weeks - 13months without feeding on blood. 

  14. They reproduce through the process of traumatic insemination where the male will be puncturing the abdominal area of the female to insert sperms. Commonly, females can die if they are still not mature enough to cope with the trauma

  15. They prefer crawling on horizontal surfaces rather than vertical as walls. Especially, if the surface is shiny, smoother and slippery. However, if your walls are slightly rough or textured, it’s possible that you may find them on walls often.

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